Huevember 2020

Date: November 2020
Software: Unity, Maya
Project type: shader exploration

In november 2020 I decided to participate in huevember, specifically based on an emoji prompt list by @esmmazing (link). I wanted to focus on learning something new every three days, by making small 3D (shader) sketches in Unity loosely based on the prompt and with no further connection to each other.
This allowed me to try different artstyles, subjects, and put me on clear deadlines, so that I could try and fail quickly at things.

A strongly stylized 3D bee sitting in a piece of honeycomb, holding a little spoon. It is warmly lit with stylized shading - Josien Vos Portfolio
A stylized tree with red and orange leaves, the stylization is bright and colourful - Josien Vos Portfolio
A crown with a shape and colour inpsired by Princess Peach
A stylized girl is holding a pink umbrella. Under the umbrella the weather looks sunny, outside of it everything is rainy and dark - Josien Vos Portfolio